E-BY216052 (age: 209 ybp)
Formula: (209)/1
Formula: (209)/1

Branch ID Sample ID Number of SNPs Coverage (bp) Formula to correct SNPs number Corrected number of SNPs Formula to estimate age Age by this line only
 YF079128  1.00 8231268 1.00/8231268 * 8467165 1.03 1.03 * 144.41 + 60 209

FAQ: What are SNPs "currently defining" a subclade and subclade "formed" age, "TMRCA" and confidence intervals?

FAQ: What is YFull's age estimation methodology?

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SNPs currently defining E-BY216052
Sample ID Country / Language Info Ref File Testing company Statistics Status
YF079128 Bahrain (Al Manāmah (Al ‘Āşimah)) / Baharna Arabic E-BY216052 —— Hg38 .BAM FTDNA (Y700) 25X, 18.0 Mbp, 151 bp
YF063989 Bahrain (Al Wusţá) / Baharna Arabic E-BY216052 YF089708 Hg38 .BAM FTDNA (Y500) 36X, 12.1 Mbp, 151 bp

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- Theoretical Computed Paths > E-BY216052
- Y Heatmap > E-BY216052

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