R-A21291 (age: 271 ybp)
Formula: (553*6 + 60*4 + 60*4)/(6 + 4 + 4)
Formula: (553*6 + 60*4 + 60*4)/(6 + 4 + 4)

Branch ID Sample ID Number of SNPs Coverage (bp) Formula to correct SNPs number Corrected number of SNPs Formula to estimate age Age by this line only Weight
 R-A21289  3.41 3.41 * 144.41 + 60 553 6 = 3 * (1 + 1)
YF065872 3.00 8250061 3.00/8250061 * 8467165 3.08 3.08 * 144.41 + 60 505 -
YF084949 3.00 8269286 3.00/8269286 * 8467165 3.07 3.07 * 144.41 + 60 504 -
YF085528 4.00 8297877 4.00/8297877 * 8467165 4.08 4.08 * 144.41 + 60 649 -
 YF019080  0.00 8397541 0.00/8397541 * 8467165 0.00 0.00 * 144.41 + 60 60 4 = 1 * (3 + 1)
 YF081947  0.00 8337661 0.00/8337661 * 8467165 0.00 0.00 * 144.41 + 60 60 4 = 1 * (3 + 1)

FAQ: What are SNPs "currently defining" a subclade and subclade "formed" age, "TMRCA" and confidence intervals?

FAQ: What is YFull's age estimation methodology?

Increase in age     Decrease in age

SNPs currently defining R-A21291
A25429 / FT165172    
FGC88468 / Y155733    
Y140592 / A21280    
A21291 / Y140589    
FGC88467 / Y155734 / BY179217    
FT15762(H)     H
FT21344(H)     H
Y516534(H)     H
A29153(H)     H
A21292 / Y140601    
MF607613 / Y127957(H)     H
- We are sorry, but this tab is really empty :(
Sample ID Country / Language Info Ref File Testing company Statistics Status
YF081947 Germany (Thüringen) R-A21291* YF015304 T2T .BAM FTDNA (Y700) 49X, 25.4 Mbp, 151 bp
YF019080 Germany (Thüringen) R-A21291* —— T2T .BAM FTDNA (Y700) 61X, 26.2 Mbp, 151 bp
YF085528 Germany (Thüringen) R-A21289 YF012852 T2T .BAM FTDNA (Y700) 29X, 26.9 Mbp, 151 bp
YF084949 Germany (Thüringen) R-A21289 —— Hg38 .BAM YSEQ 9X, 23.5 Mbp, 400 bp
YF065872 Germany (Thüringen) R-A21289 —— T2T .BAM FTDNA (Y700) 35X, 25.0 Mbp, 151 bp

You can watch theoretical computed paths using PhyloGeographer. We do not guarantee that provided information is correct.
- Theoretical Computed Paths > R-A21291
- Y Heatmap > R-A21291

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