R-S19929 (age: 639 ybp)
Formula: (786+493)/2
Formula: (786+493)/2

Branch ID Sample ID Number of SNPs Coverage (bp) Formula to correct SNPs number Corrected number of SNPs Formula to estimate age Age by this line only
 ⋯  5.00 8421090 5.00/8421090 * 8467165 5.03 5.03 * 144.41 + 60 786
 YF090556  3.00 8468654 3.00/8468654 * 8467165 3.00 3.00 * 144.41 + 60 493

FAQ: What are SNPs "currently defining" a subclade and subclade "formed" age, "TMRCA" and confidence intervals?

FAQ: What is YFull's age estimation methodology?

Increase in age     Decrease in age

SNPs currently defining R-S19929
Sample ID Country / Language Info Ref File Testing company Statistics Status
YF090556 —— R-S19929 —— Hg38 .BAM Nebula Genomics 24X, 23.6 Mbp, 100 bp

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- Theoretical Computed Paths > R-S19929
- Y Heatmap > R-S19929

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