
SNPs currently defining G-FGC46776
Sample ID Country / Language Info Ref File Testing company Statistics Status
YF077589 Saudi Arabia (Al Qaşīm) G-FGC46776* YF019274 Hg38 .BAM YSEQ 12X, 23.6 Mbp, 151 bp
YF019274 Saudi Arabia (Al Qaşīm) G-FGC46776* YF077589 Hg38 .BAM FTDNA (Y500) 38X, 11.7 Mbp, 165 bp
YF005970 Saudi Arabia (Makkah) G-FGC46776* —— Hg19 .BAM FTDNA (Y500) 53X, 14.3 Mbp, 165 bp
YF106115 Saudi Arabia (Al Qaşīm) G-Y109581 —— Hg38 .BAM FTDNA (Y700) 45X, 18.6 Mbp, 151 bp
YF075533 Saudi Arabia (Al Qaşīm) G-Y109581 —— Hg38 .BAM FTDNA (Y700) 37X, 18.1 Mbp, 151 bp
YF072376 Saudi Arabia (Al Qaşīm) G-Y109581 YF010403, YF072229 Hg19 .BAM Dante Labs 9X, 22.9 Mbp, 151 bp

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- Theoretical Computed Paths > G-FGC46776
- Y Heatmap > G-FGC46776

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