
SNPs currently defining G-FT302334
TY9763(H)     H
FT91046(H)     H
Sample ID Country / Language Info Ref File Testing company Statistics Status
HG01512 Spain G-FT302334* —— Hg19 .BAM Scientific ——
YF078635 Netherlands (Noord-Holland) / Ladino G-FGC58712* —— Hg38 .BAM Nebula Genomics 20X, 23.5 Mbp, 150 bp
YF087224 —— G-FT257316 —— Hg38 .BAM FTDNA (Y700) 66X, 17.9 Mbp, 151 bp
YF074898 Netherlands Antilles / Portuguese G-FT257316 —— Hg38 .BAM FTDNA (Y700) 36X, 18.2 Mbp, 151 bp
YF117949 Canada (Quebec) G-FTC21547* —— Hg38 .BAM Nebula Genomics 16X, 23.6 Mbp, 150 bp
YF124304 Israel (Tel-Aviv) G-Y418993 —— T2T .BAM Nebula Genomics 38X, 45.1 Mbp, 150 bp

You can watch theoretical computed paths using PhyloGeographer. We do not guarantee that provided information is correct.
- Theoretical Computed Paths > G-FT302334
- Y Heatmap > G-FT302334

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